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lag in technology中文是什么意思

用"lag in technology"造句"lag in technology"怎么读"lag in technology" in a sentence


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  • As a result , mass customization ( mc ) emerges and becomes a mainstream production mode and one of the important research fields in the world . compared with enterprises of other countries , lack of strong basis , lagging in technology , bad quality of product , not scientific in management are the main problems of our country ' s manufacturing industry , especially when our country became a member of wto
    生存环境的改变导致了制造业生产模式的演变,大批量定制生产( masscustomization , mc )就是在这种新的生存环境下应运而生的一种新的生产模式,它一经出现就引起了人们的广泛关注,被认为是21世纪的主流生产模式,因而成为了国内外学术界着重研究的课题之一。
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